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Career History

June 2019 - Present

Region Director - Avowed

Currently serving as a Region Director, responsible for driving the completion of a portion of the game's regional content.

Duties include the creation of core region-defining documentation, directing a team of designers, artists and programmers for content creation purposes, and continual review of team-generated content.


Also responsible for the direct management of several area designers.

June 2017 - June 2019

Senior Area Designer - The Outer Worlds

Served as the primary designer for planet Monarch's critical path quest and open-world environment. Completed documentation detailing core, side and tertiary content and locations. Sculpted terrain to block out overall gameplay space.


Designed Tartarus, the prison planet that serves as the final sequence of The Outer Worlds. 


Did extensive interior and exterior environment blockout work using Unreal Engine 4 and proprietary toolsets. Scripted quest logic and general gameplay using blueprint visual scripting.


Assisted with set dressing for environmental storytelling purposes. Gameplay passes included combat encounter placement, NPC behavior, quest scripting, loot and interactive object setup.


Wrote numerous dialogue stubs to convey quest flow and character feel and intent. Worked with game writers to develop quests and improve story comprehension and flow.

December 2016 - June 2017

Narrative Designer & Senior Area Designer - Tyranny: Bastard's Wound

Wrote interactive, player-driven dialogue for numerous Bastard's Wound DLC characters and interactive text for illustrated world map events.


Provided additional level design support for DLC team.


Served as principal area designer for another, unreleased Tyranny DLC project at this time. Created core area quest documentation and blockouts.

February 2014 - November 2016

Lead Level Designer - Tyranny

Led an area design team of six. Provided technical and creative direction for level design content produced with Unity and Maya. Actively managed designer responsibilities in coordination with Production. Collaborated regularly with other project leads to drive content and features.


Helped develop level pipeline process, from ideation phase to finished scene. Developed area building standards to meet gameplay goals and optimize for isometric-perspective experiences.


Created core documentation for each of the project's key regions, defining high-level content to be developer further by area designers. Designed and implemented in-game scenes in the Blade Grave region.


Helped document and track the title's complex non-linear player experience. Worked with narrative to develop the web of connected events that are core to the game's experience.

July 2011 - January 2014

Senior Area Designer - South Park: The Stick of Truth

Designed and implemented key areas in the game, including the UFO, the Elven Kingdom, portions of the South Park Elementary School, and the Underpants Gnomes areas. Includes the infamous Mr. Slave's Ass level, one of the few locations that met the show creators' expectations for depravity.


Managed the critical path "spine" of the project and implemented gameplay in key hubs, like Kupa Keep and the PTA.


Served as design manager for outsourced art and design content created by Heavy Iron Studios.


Implemented design content using a combination of Adobe Flash Pro (Adobe Animate) and the Obsidian proprietary Onyx engine. Scripted in Pawn.

June 2011 - October 2011

Area Designer - Dungeon Siege III: Treasures of the Sun

Responsible for designing and implementing over half of the design content in the Treasures of the Sun DLC, including the Aranoi Desert scenes and the Azunite Temple.

December 2009 - June 2011

Area Designer - Dungeon Siege III

Was responsible for two out of the five distinct regions in the game: The Eastern Swamp and Glitterdelve.


Developed region structure, gameplay, character interaction and area-specific combat. Wrote dialogue for region characters. Scripted in Pawn.


Focused on tightly integrated region design, which combined aesthetic interests with narrative development, gameplay, and thematic exploration.

November 2006 - November 2009

Area Designer - Alpha Protocol

Was responsible for one of the three primary hubs in the game: Taipei. Developed hub structure, level plans, narrative elements, boss encounters and general gameplay.


Contributed to several other levels outside of Taipei, including the final mission of the Saudi hub.


Built numerous blockouts In Unreal 3 and made contributions to final level propping and visual design. Extensive use of Unreal's Kismet visual scripting.

April 2005 - November 2006

Associate Area Designer - Neverwinter Nights 2

Built and implemented half of the levels for last act of the game, including medieval fortresses, fantastical astral/dream-like spaces, volcanic mountains, isolated villages and densely-populated cities.


Planned and designed the large-scale fortress siege of Crossroad Keep, one of the most complex sequences in the game.


Contributed extensive C-based scripting to achieve unique gameplay and AI behavior.


Wrote in-game characters across a wide-range of voices and personalities.

© 2021 by Constant Gaw

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